
How to overcome entrepreneurial depression?

Entrepreneurship is a hard road to walk. In the early stages, it’s easy to get trapped in the dream of the perfect business, but as you grow and learn about the realities of running a business, you may find yourself struggling with depression.

This isn’t uncommon. Anyone who has ever run a business has felt this way at some point. So we’ve prepared this brief guide to help you overcome entrepreneurial depression and get back on track with your business goals.

Ways to overcome entrepreneurial depression

Focus on the positive.

By shifting your focus from what’s wrong to what’s right and from what needs to be done to how you want to do it, you can manage your mental health. The key to overcoming any depression is focusing on what you want to see in your life and making it happen.

You can do this through the following ways.

  • List all the things that make you happy and grateful. Don’t forget about small things like the food you ate today or how good it felt when someone smiled at you.
  • Writing down three things each day that went well or made you proud of yourself and your business.

Improve your self-care.

Self-care is key to overcoming entrepreneurial depression. Here’s how you can take care of yourself better.

Take a break from work. 

Even if it’s just for an hour per day, this will help give you some space from what may be overwhelming or overwhelming when combined with other aspects of your life (like family or friends).


It’s one of the best ways to improve your mood and keep yourself feeling good about yourself. Not only does exercise release endorphins, which are responsible for those happy feelings, but it also releases dopamine. which is responsible for pleasure-seeking behavior. And who doesn’t want that?

Eat well! 

This may seem obvious, but if we’re not eating right, then we’re not going to have enough energy to carry out tasks.

Rely on close friends and family for support.

If you’re struggling with depression, you need to reach out and ask for help.

Your friends and family are the best people who can help you through this difficult time because they know you well. They trust your judgment and can give you support without making assumptions about why you’re depressed.

Do not ever isolate yourself because it will just worsen your helplessness.

Seek professional help.

Entrepreneurial depression can be a severe issue. It’s not just a “feeling” or something to get over with a cup of coffee and some music. This type of depression can have serious consequences, including financial ruin, which is why it’s so important to seek professional help if you’re suffering from it.

You can find a counsellor by asking friends for recommendations or by using an online service. Many professionals offer entrepreneurs mental health counselling which is ideal for those who need help overcoming depression. Your counsellor will help you identify the root causes of your depression and give you tools to overcome it.

Overcoming entrepreneurial depression is possible!

Entrepreneurship is a journey. It can be exciting, can also be scary. There are ups and downs, and sometimes it feels like you’re climbing a mountain in the dark, where you have no idea what’s coming next.

If you’re struggling with entrepreneurial depression right now, don’t be scared to reach out for help. Talk to your friends and family, find a counsellor who specializes in entrepreneurship or start journaling so that you can see what’s going on inside your head. Always remember that you’ve got this!

For more information, visit:Everyday Empathy